Video Marketing for Car Dealerships

Filming has advanced significantly over the past 2 decades. Not too long ago, 720p was the height of clarity in the digital world. And at the time it really felt that way. Now, if you were to display that on any social platform or website you would be hurting your brand, channel, page etc. Definition isn’t the only thing that changed, our tools to capture this new-found clarity have also changed drastically. We went from needing to be in the film industry with thousands of dollars of high-end equipment just to touch that clarity, to being able to pull out a hand held computer and capture in 4k within seconds and also upload it in minutes. This is how far we have come, now that we have established where we were and where we are. Let’s go into how Droptop Social utilizes these tools to our advantage in order to capture commercial quality content on a monthly basis for our clients.

  1. Horizontal video camera. This method is the forefront of our strategy because it translates perfectly across platforms like YouTube and Facebook, while also sizing perfect for television display. That combined with our creative strategy and filming methods, we are able to pump out high quality, informational content to display across all platforms to highlight, any and everything at the dealership.

  2. Vertical Camera shots. Although it may seem redundant, we know the importance of being able to also have shots in this style for reels, shorts, and TikTok videos. Whether we like it or not, that’s the meta for consumption is quick short style videos. And since we film both vertical and horizontal simultaneously, we capture anything needed for both occasions.

  3. Phone Captures. Being able to film, edit, and post in the palm of your hand is essential in creating content in the “influencer” style. It adds an extra element of value to dealerships otherwise not so entertaining content. Being able to easily use trends with vehicles, and the staff suddenly makes fun, trendy, and engaging content while still being able to convey the message that your dealership gives incredible deals on the best vehicles around.

  4. Go Pro footage. What better way to display the feeling of driving a new vehicle than to be able to see and feel like you’re testing it from your couch? Typically, we have an educated staff member giving the test drive, so you’re also getting educated on all the specs and features of that particular make and model. Your dealership is essentially doing all the research for them, while also showing that your staff goes above and beyond to deliver the full on experience from the comfort of the viewer’s home.

  5. Drone Footage. Last but not least drone. Drone filming is something a lot of dealerships don’t do or have. Even a lot of TV commercials don’t utilize drone footage, which is a complete-missed opportunity to showcase the location and while utilizing fantastic angles you wouldn’t be able to get otherwise. Our stuff is able to fly the drone with precision inside and outside the dealership. Our drone has the ability to even follow objects such as cars. Drone footage is also a fantastic way to get the perfect Google My business photos for your dealership. Adding this film to videos can be the perfect intro, outro, or way to add flavor to a montage.


Contact us for a free estimate! From social media content, videos, advertisement, graphics, email campaigns and website banners to helping manage the reputation and capture positive reviews. We'll take care of all the digital field and marketing for you.